How Much Does Google AdWords Cost?

How Much Does Google AdWords Cost

How much does Google AdWords cost? That’s the first question most of our clients ask, and we understand that. You want to know your total cost before you dive into the deep end of a new web marketing campaign.

There are really two answers to “how much does Google AdWords cost?” First: AdWords can cost as much or as little as you want it to. Our experts can configure AdWords campaigns so that the costs stay as low as possible while the return stays high. We’ll get into the specifics of those costs below.

But the other answer is that in the long run, Google AdWords doesn’t really cost anything at all. Online advertising is an investment. You wouldn’t want to pay for it otherwise, and neither would the countless companies who’ve made it the most popular internet advertising service in the world.

So How Much Does Google AdWords Cost in the Short Term?

To get going with Google AdWords, you’re looking at two initial costs:

Cost #1: Clicks — Google AdWords is a pay-per-click advertising program (or PPC). Google will charge you each time someone clicks on your ad, and the cost per click can range from mere pennies to big bucks.

The good news is that these costs can be controlled and you’ll only be paying for people who are interested enough to click on your ad. Every other time your ad shows — and it will show often — you’ll pay nothing at all!

Cost #2: Google AdWords Management — You could invest a lot of time in learning the finer points of AdWords campaign management and then do it yourself, but you’d have to spend the better part of a year or two learning all the ins and outs and then despite this, due to lack of experience, you’d still likely be paying too much for your Adwords campaign. Alternatively, you can hire ClearTech Interactive to handle all of that for you and achieve a big boost in your current results.

Our Google AdWords Management Team is committed to keeping clients on sustainable, affordable Adwords budgets without compromising the quality of their return.

Even if you’re not sure which route is the best for you, you can always give us a call and talk to one of our experts for a free consultation.

Why Google AdWords Doesn’t Really Cost Anything At All

Good investments only cost money in the short term. In the long run, they make you more money than you could have made without the investment. That’s exactly what you get with a professionally managed Google AdWords campaign.

What makes AdWords such a great investment? Using our Analytics tools, we’re able to track every single visitor who comes to your site through one of your PPC ads. We can see which keywords they used to find your ad, how much you paid for their click, and what they did once they came to your site.

With those kinds of diagnostic tracking tools, we can constantly refine your ads so that they eliminate anything that’s too costly or ineffective. It’s one of the most pro-ROI forms of internet advertising, and in the end, it shouldn’t really cost anything at all!

Contact Us to Learn How Much Google AdWords Costs for You

The real question isn’t “how much does Google AdWords cost?” but rather, “how much will Google AdWords make for my company?” With professional ad management from ClearTech Interactive, the answer to that is both intriguing and exciting. Our clients often start seeing improved results in mere hours or days. Our expert Google AdWords Management service is an investment that pays for itself — and then some.

To talk to one of our experts about how AdWords PPC Management can improve your company’s online advertising performance, send us an email or call us at 727-562-5161 & Press 1 to speak with an AdWords PPC Management Specialist.