How to Prioritize Features for Your Mobile App

When you embark on building a mobile app how do you know what features to include and what to leave behind or save for later? If you have a great idea for an app you may want to include everything right out of the gate. This can be detrimental for…

How to Turn Your Knowledge Into an Online Business

Many small business owners today don’t realize the opportunity they have to turn their knowledge into an online business. Often there is untapped potential just waiting to be harnessed into a whole new business venture. As the owner of a small business you likely have a wealth of knowledge at…

What is a Roadmapping Session?

In software development we are often called upon to plan out, estimate and deliver very large complex web development projects. We take a very organized approach to projects so that we can reduce project risks as much as possible. Project risks are increased by unknown factors. The more unknown factors…