How to Safely Upgrade an Existing Website

If you are preparing to upgrade an older website it is important to know that common mistakes during the upgrade process could severely impact your website traffic and search engine rankings. We specialize in website re-designs and website upgrades of established websites and we regularly see the results of website…

When is the Right Time to Build Your New Website

Sometimes clients delay in getting started on their web project. Over the years, I’ve heard all kinds of reasons why a client needed to delay getting started. It’s often a big mistake, no matter what is going on in the business. Why? Because the truth of the matter is that…

What is the Purpose of a Website?

Different kinds of websites have different purposes depending on who the intended audience is. Some websites are geared towards selling products and other websites are geared towards providing practical information, while others are merely for entertainment. Let’s take a look at some of the different types of websites that are…

What Makes an Effective Website

After all, you’ll never talk directly to most of the people who visit your site, and any assumptions you make about them can be misleading. But when it comes to web development, everything you do should be driven by what you know about the target audience for a website. How…

Why Custom Ecommerce Website Design?

Great e-commerce websites don’t just happen by chance. They are carefully planned from start to finish to turn casual visitors into paying customers. At ClearTech Interactive Corp. we specialize in helping our customers with custom ecommerce website designs. I will start by saying that custom e-commerce website design is not…

What Are Ecommerce Design Services?

Ecommerce design services are typically needed when a company needs to build a website or system which allows online payment collection. This does not necessarily just mean that you are setting up a shopping cart to sell products. Ecommerce design services are used in a number of situations from selling products,…

Who’s The Best Web Design Company in Tampa Florida?

If you’re not dominating your niche, you’re empowering the competition to grow stronger. All businesses, large and small, need a robust online presence. We live in a tech-centric world in which the majority of consumers use the Internet to get their information. If you aren’t marketing your business online, you’re…

Magento Web Development Explained

Maybe you’ve heard of Magento. It’s a popular e-commerce system, geared toward businesses that offer products or services for sale online. But how does it work, what does it offer, and do you really need it? This article will answer those questions and more. ClearTech Interactive is a highly skilled…

E-Commerce Website Development Cost

Just how important is e-commerce web development for your business? Consider these two facts in tandem: More than half of all Internet users now do some or most of their shopping online (and that includes both goods and services). 88% of online consumers say they won’t return to a website…

How Important is Good Web Design?

Good Web Design – Does it Make Sense? Rand Fishkin the CEO of SEO software company, SEOmoz and co-author of “The Art of SEO” from O’Reilly Media made this simple point in his opening session at the Interactivity Digital conference this month in Florida, “Beautiful websites are trusted. Ugly websites are not.”…

What Should Be on a Website

In today’s global, tech-savvy market, a website is mandatory for almost any type of organization. However, if you don’t know exactly what should be on a website, you can easily end up with a useless tool that will likely cost you a lot of time and resources. Without a well-designed,…

How to Get a Website Quote

The biggest complaint we hear from customers who are trying to build a new website is that the quotes are all over the map. There are a variety of reasons for this, already covered in our SmartGuide – “How to Select a Web Development Firm?” and we encourage you to read…

Why Get Professional eCommerce Design?

By 2017, online sales are expected to reach a staggering 320 billion dollars. Upgrading your online store with a professional ecommerce design can drive more sales and increase profitability. Find out why getting a professional ecommerce design just might be the change you need to take your online business to…

Finding a Great Web Design Firm in Tampa

Companies realize that their internet presence is becoming more and more important every day. Having an amateur looking website design can really put a damper on your ability to sell and generate leads. Your web presence will often be the first or second point of contact for prospective buyers. It’s…

Web Design Checklist

Use this checklist as guide to gather the items needed to have your web site designed. This list is a great starting point of recommended items that will help you put your best foot forward with your web design project. Your Company Info Company profile or history Company stationery/business card...

Is Flash the Right Choice?

Ok, you’ve started looking at sites that you think are real neat and cool. You’re probably thinking “Wow, look at those cool effects on that site. I think I want those!”.  Before you get too enamored with the bright, sparkly stuff let’s take a look at the pros and cons….

Why Should I Have a Website

At the end of 2011 about 245 million people (~80% of population) were online in the United States and about 10% of all website access was being done through mobile devices. In an interconnected world, it’s more important than ever to have a great website. Let’s look at 10 reasons…

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have web site design questions? Does the process of finding a web development company seem overwhelming? We've got some answers here that might help you along with this process. Read the answers to the top questions we get asked day in and day out. What do I need...